Archive: 13 Mar 2014

Konferenca o usposabljanju sodnikov enotnega patentnega sodišča

Konferenca o usposabljanju sodnikov enotnega patentnega sodišča

Otvoritev Centra za usposabljanje UPC sodnikov v Budimpešti, 13. in 14. marec Sporazum o vzpostavitvi enotnega patentnega sodišča (UPC), ki je ga je februarja 2013 podpisalo 25 držav članic EU, med njimi tudi Slovenija, določa Budimpešto kot sedež centra za usposabljanje patentnih sodnikov enotnega patentnega sodišča (UPC sodnikov). Otvoritev Centra za usposabljanje UPC sodnikov bodo […]

Upravljanje avtorske sledne pravice na ravni EU

Upravljanje avtorske sledne pravice na ravni EU

Zainteresirane strani na tem področju podpisale skupni dokument 17. februarja 2014 so predstavniki kolektivnih organizacij, avtorjev in trgovcev z umetninami (trgovcev z umetniškimi deli, galerij, dražbenih hiš) podpisali dokument “Ključna načela in priporočila o upravljanju avtorske sledne pravice” (Key Principles and Recommendations on the management of the Author Resale Right), pod pokroviteljstvom evropskega komisarja za […]

Vesna Stanković Juričić appointed Director of SIPO

Vesna Stanković Juričić appointed Director of SIPO

The new director of SIPO ( Slovenian intellectual property office) is Vesna Stanković Juričić. She was appointed on 23 January 2014, for the term of 5 years. Source : SIPO

Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks

Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks adopted at Madrid on June 27, 1989, as amended on October 3, 2006 and on November 12, 2007  1 Membership in the Madrid Union The States party to this Protocol (hereinafter referred to as “the Contracting States”), even where they are not party […]

Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the International Patent Classification

  Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the International Patent Classification of March 24, 1971, as amended on September 28, 1979 The Contracting Parties, Considering that the universal adoption of a uniform system of classification of patents, inventors’ certificates, utility models and utility certificates is in the general interest and is likely to establish closer international cooperation in […]

Signing of a new partnership agreement between the INPI and Bpifrance

Signing of a new partnership agreement between the INPI and Bpifrance

INPI and Bpifrance signed a new agreement to support the French SMEs in their industrial property strategy. The agreement aims to take joint and effective support actions for French SMEs who wish to establish or develop their industrial property strategy. According to their stage of development, the SMEs will be offered a supporting path to […]

Signature d'une nouvelle convention de partenariat entre l'INPI et Bpifrance

Signature d’une nouvelle convention de partenariat entre l’INPI et Bpifrance

L’INPI et Bpifrance ont signé une nouvelle convention de l’accompagnement des PME françaises dans leur stratégie de propriété industrielle. La convention a pour objectif de réaliser des actions d’accompagnement conjointes et efficaces concernant les PME françaises qui souhaitent mettre en place ou développer leur stratégie de Propriété Industrielle. Selon leur stade de développement, les PME […]