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IP4all Weekly Bulletin

Bucura Ionescu appointed as deputy chairman of Technical and Operational Support Committee of EPO
The Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation, in its meeting in The Hague on 25/26 June, extended the mandate of the President of the European Patent Office (EPO), Benoît Battistelli, by a further three years, to 30 June 2018. At the meeting, the Council expressed its continued support for the EPO’s quality/efficiency strategy adopted […]

Romania is on the Watch List in 2014
The 2014 Special 301 Report highlights the progress of Romania in the sphere of IPR enforcement. The positive tendency is a result of the work of the GPO IPR Department and the cooperation between enforcement and prosecution. New procedures for prosecuting IPR crimes have come into force on January 1, 2014. All of this is […]

Contest for publication in connection with the World Intellectual Property Day April 26, 2014
Dear readers, join our Contest for publication in connection with the World Intellectual Property Day April 26, 2014 MOVIES – A GLOBAL PASSION is the motto of this year’s World Intellectual Property Day celebrated by WIPO. Send us your work – article, essay, photo, poster or any other kind of material dealing with film industry […]

Romania joins DesignView
The registered designs data of the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks of Romania (OSIM) has been integrated into the DesignView database, making OSIM the sixteenth IP Office to become part of the tool. Approximately 41,000 Romanian designs are now available in DesignView, bringing the total number of designs available to more than 2 million. […]

NNDKP Secures New Milestone Victory for Generic Drug Producers
Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (NNDKP) successfully represented a major Czech generic drug producer in a dispute related to the request of the world ‘s largest research-based pharmaceutical company for a supplementary protection certificate. The Bucharest Court of Appeals admitted the second appeal filed by OSIM and the Czech drug producer, annulled the initial decision […]

Romania implements CESTO
The Romanian Office has implemented the Common Examiner Support Tool (CESTO). This brings to four the total number of tool implementations. A total of 18 national and regional EU offices have expressed their intention to implement the tool. CESTO enables examiners to have automated searches performed in several databases to help them in gathering all […]

Progress of quantity of goods retained by customs authority
Progress of quantity of goods retained by customs authority, suspected to infringe an intellectual property right Year 2011 2012 Total quantity (pieces) 6 958 317 4 030 919 Decreasing of number of articles was a consequence of decreasing the number of smuggled cigarettes proved to be counterfeit retained in 2012: from 5 666 280 pieces […]

Statistic Information on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights by Romanian Customs Authority
Progress of applications for customs action lodged by intellectual property rights owners: Year 2011 2012 Total number of applications 758 881 Number of national applications 221 244 Raising awareness among IP rights holders on the important role of customs authorities in countering the traffic with counterfeit goods led to increased numbers of applications for customs […]

The new Romanian Trademark Law
On May 9, 2010 a new, long awaited, trademark has entered into force in Romania. The process for the adoption of this new law started back in 2006 and it was initially intended to come into force in 2007 once Romania joined the EU. Due to some political disputes that exceeded the object of the […]