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IP4all Weekly Bulletin

News from the European Trade mark and Design Network
As of 14 September 2015, the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) has made its trade mark data available to the TMview search tool. The integration of CIPO is a concrete result of the International Cooperation programme managed by the Office for harmonization in the internal market in collaboration with its international partners. With CIPO on-board, there are […]

Conference – IP Statistics for Decision Makers
Conference 3 – 4 November Intellectual property (IP) helps to promote investment in new and improved products and processes, and allows innovators to make a return on their investment. It also plays an important role in the dissemination and use of the knowledge and innovations contained for example in patent documents and registered designs. This […]

EPO and Italy await introduction of EU unitary patent
Meeting in Rome, EPO President Benoît Battistelli and Italy’s Under Secretary of State to the Ministry of Economic Development, Simona Vicari, discussed the role of patents in supporting innovation and the upcoming introduction of a European patent with unitary effect for the EU member states. After clarification of important legal questions on the unitary patent […]

Benelux Office for Intellectual Property implements Back Office for Designs
The Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP) has gone live with the Software Package Back Office for Designs tool, developed by the Cooperation Fund. The first application has already been received and processed by the new system. This implementation is result of substantial effort and close collaboration between the Office for harmonization in the internal […]

Back Office for industrial designs in Greece
The Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation (GR OBI) has recently gone live with the Back Office for Designs, tool developed under the framework of Cooperation Fund. The new system supports the complete lifecycle of industrial designs and facilitates application examination, recordals lifecycle as well as renewal and expiration automations. Six intellectual property offices across the European […]

Impact of counterfeiting in the Clothing, Footwear and Accessories Sector
The activities of wholesale and retail trade of clothing and footwear are important across the EU, whilst a large proportion (approximately 50%) of manufacture is located in Italy. Of the 647 thousand enterprises in this sector, 64% are engaged in retailing. For the EU as a whole, the estimated total counterfeiting effect amounts to 9.7% […]

Performance result of OHIM services
OHIM published the performance result of our services for the second quarter of 2015, in terms of timeliness, quality and accessibility. The overall timeliness of operations appears to be maintained despite the increase in number of applications compared to the previous quarter. During the first quarter, the trend presented a much slower growth in applications […]

Latest UK trends in online streaming and downloading
A new survey, published this week by the UK Intellectual Property Office, highlights the latest UK trends in online streaming and downloading, showing: an increase of more than 10% in take up of legal services since 2013 an increase of 6% in online consumption, of both legal and illegal content 1 in 5 still access […]

New Patent Law in Spain
Last July 13th, 2015 the Spanish Senate approved a new Spanish Patent Law. The new Law will not come into force until April 1st, 2017. The new Law introduces, inter alia, the following changes: 1. It becomes compulsory to request the full substantive examination on novelty and inventive step of all Spanish patent applications. Until […]

European Inventor Award 2016 – Nominations
Nominations for the European Inventor Award 2016 are now open. The Award recognises outstanding inventors from around the world, from all technical fields and backgrounds. You don’t have to be an inventor yourself to put forward a nominee. People from industry, research institutes, intellectual property associations and universities, as well as the general public, are […]

Over €26 billion and up to 363,000 jobs lost every year in the EU due to counterfeiting of clothes, shoes and accessories
The manufacture and distribution of fake clothes, shoes and accessories (such as ties, scarves, belts and gloves) takes over €26 billion every year from legitimate EU businesses. A new study from the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM), shows that the sale of fake clothes, shoes and accessories in the EU equals nearly […]

Major conference on unitary patent and unified patent court
On Thursday 16 July, the EPO hosted key actors in intellectual property for Premier Cercle’s annual conference on the unitary patent and the unified patent court. The third event of its kind, the forum hosted key speakers and contributors who addressed an audience of over 250 attendees on subjects related to the continuing development of […]

Ideas Powered – young people and intellectual property
The first EU-wide interactive website dedicated to young people and intellectual property (IP) is launched today. The Ideas Powered site is supported by the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM), acting through the European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights. The site brings together contributions from young designers, composers, entrepreneurs and artists […]

EPO and IMPI agree on CPC introduction in Mexico
Meeting in Munich last week the heads of the EPO and the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding relating to the introduction of the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) by the IMPI. Jointly introduced by the EPO and the USPTO in 2013 and built on the EPO’s in-house ECLA classification the […]

EPO supports new platform on renewable energy innovation
Policy makers and other energy sector players now have consolidated access to the world’s largest collection of global renewable energy standards and patent documents, thanks to a new online platform launched by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in co-operation with the EPO. Also known as INSPIRE, the International Standards and Patents in Renewable Energy […]