Performance result of OHIM services

applicationsOHIM published the performance result of our services for the second quarter of 2015, in terms of timeliness, quality and accessibility.

The overall timeliness of operations appears to be maintained despite the increase in number of applications compared to the previous quarter. During the first quarter, the trend presented a much slower growth in applications than initially forecasted for this year, while the second quarter shows an impressive increase in application filings.

The performance achieved in the second quarter nevertheless maintains the trend of the first one, and there are no remarkable overall deviations.

The timeliness for CTM is maintained although the volume of applications is higher. The result of quality checks in Community trademarks examination presented a slightly lower result, but is still in compliance, while opposition proceedings and decisions are stable.

International registrations examination presents a slight decrease in timeliness of operations due to the increase in number of files.

Regarding Appeals, the trend keeps improving achieving a very high performance for Appeals Reception with 3 days maximum time and 1 day average time for 90% of the cases.

Accessibility also has very high levels of effectiveness during the second quarter maintaining the global performance reached last year.

These results of the second quarter are in line with our initial commitments, showing the effectiveness of the staff’s efforts. We will continue pursuing the improvement of our activities while revising our commitment for next year and analyse further the possible areas that could be improved.

Source: Office for harmonization in the internal market