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IP4all Weekly Bulletin
Law No. 46 of January 9, 1993 on Patent Agents
Part I General provisions 1.- This Law regulates the principles of the practicing of the patent agent profession, rights and obligations of patent agents, rules and procedure for the acquirement of the qualifications for the practicing of this profession, as well as the rules of activity of the patent agents self-administration. 2.- (1) . The […]
Law No. 83 of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Neighboring Rights (as last amended on October 21, 2010)
(Consolidated text) Chapter 1. The Object of Copyright Article 1. 1. The object of copyright shall be any manifestation of creative activity of individual nature, established in any form, irrespective of its value, purpose or form of expression (work). 2. In particular, the object of copyright shall include: 1) works expressed in words, mathematical symbols, […]
Law of June 26, 2003 on the Legal Protection of Plant Varieties (as amended up to Law of September 6, 2011)
as amended by: 1. Act of 9 June 2006 amending the Act on the legal protection of plant varieties and the Seed Act O.J. of 14 July 2006 No 126, item 877 – article 1 2. Act of 9 May 2007 amending the Act on copyright and related rights and certain other acts O.J of […]
Law of June 30, 2000 on Industrial Property (as last amended by Law of 23 January 2004, and Law of June 29, 2007)
Article 1 1. This Law regulates: (i) the relationships in the field of inventions, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks, geographical indications and topographies of integrated circuits, (ii) the principles on which entities may accept rationalisation proposals and remunerate creators thereof; (iii) the responsibilities and organisation of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland, hereinafter […]
Law of June 9, 2000 on Amendment to Law on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights
Article 1. In the Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights (Dz.U. 1994 No. 24, item 83, No. 43, item 170, and Dz.U. 1997 No. 43, item 272, and No. 88, item 554) the following amendments are hereby introduced: 1) article 21 shall read as follows: “Article 21 1. Radio and television […]
Ustawa z dnia 4 lutego 1994 roku o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych
(tekst jednolity) Rozdziat 1 Przedmiot prawa autorskiego Art. 1. 1. Przedmiotem prawa autorskiego jest kazdy przejaw dziatalnosci tworczej o indywidualnym charakterze, ustalony w jakiejkolwiek postaci, niezaleznie od wartosci, przeznaczenia i sposobu wyrazenia (utwor). 2. W szczegolnosci przedmiotem prawa autorskiego sq utwory: 1) wyrazone stowem, symbolami matematycznymi, znakami graficznymi (literackie, publicystyczne, naukowe, kartograficzne oraz programy komputerowe); […]