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IP4all Weekly Bulletin

European Inventor Award finalist Stefan Hell won Nobel Prize
Hell (Germany) and Nakamura (US) join Peter Grünberg (Germany) in the ranks of European Inventor Award alumni who have gone on to become Nobel Laureates Two past European Inventor Award finalists have been awarded the 2014 Nobel Prize by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. European Inventor Award 2007 finalist Shuji Nakamura (US) has been […]

Artur Fischer awarded for Lifetime achievement
The EPO presented the European Inventor Award 2014, in Berlin to outstanding inventors or teams, honouring their contribution to social, economic and technological progress. The award ceremony, held at the former Kaiserliches Telegrafenamt (Imperial Telegraph Office) in Germany’s capital, was attended by some 500 guests from the fields of business, science, culture and politics, including German Federal […]

Register of Out-Of-Commerce Works launched by the German Patent and Trade Mark Office
On the 24th of April the Register of Out-Of-Commerce Works of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA) has gone live. This makes possible digital use of out-of-commerce print works by non-profit organisations. The newly launched Register enables libraries, museums and archives to digitise out-of-print works and to make them available to the general […]

CIOPORA Elects New Board: The election in The Hague shows high degree of unity among members
TheHague:On April1 the CIOPORA Annual General Meeting elected the new CIOPORA Board and its President. As a result, two new Board member were elected, one Board member left the Board and Mr. Andrea Mansuino was re-elected as President of CIOPORA. Second term for the President and two new faces on the Board The election resulted […]

CIOPORA AGM 2014 in The Hague: Ornamental and Fruit Breeders Define the Association’s Future IP Position
Hamburg, March 11/2014 Many of the ornamental and fruit breeders, united in CIOPORA since 1961, have been writing the history of the breeding industry for more than a century. On April 1 and 2, 2014, CIOPORA members will also receive an opportunity to define its future by providing their input to the texts of the […]

Electronic file inspection launched: German Patent and Trade Mark Office allows online inspection of patent and utility model files
As from 7 January 2014, electronic file inspection of patent and utility model files is possible at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA). From now on, parts of files can also be inspected online. The documents available for electronic inspection include office actions, decisions, search reports as well as communications relevant to the procedure and […]

Einspruch gegen eine Handelsmarke in Bulgarien – öfters gestellte Fragen
Seit 2011 hat sich das System für Registrierung von Handelsmarken durch Einführung des Einspruchsverfahrens verändert. Die Änderungen im Gesetz über die Marken und geographischen Bezeichnungen (bulg.ЗМГО) sind ab dem 10.03.2011 in Kraft getreten. Die Vorschrift über die Anwendung des Gesetzes über das Einspruchsverfahren wurde zwei Monate später, am 30.05.2011 erlassen. Die vorliegende Abfassung bezweckt auf […]

German Patent and Trade Mark Office now part of the Harmonised Database
As of 12th November, the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA) is a part of the Common Harmonised Database of Goods and Services for trade mark classification. As a result, the German translations of Harmonised Database set is now available to all users through the TMclass application. At the same time the DPMA will […]

iENA 2013 – International Specialized Trade Show for “IDEAS – INVENTIONS – NEW PRODUCTS”
From 31 October to 3 November, 2013 the 65th International Exhibition “Ideas – Inventions – New products » iENA – 2013 will take place in Nuremberg, Germany. The trade fair is one of the most significant and largest invention specialized exhibitions in Europe. This year inventors from all around the world will present 750 inventions. […]