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IP4all Weekly Bulletin
United Kingdom

Latest UK trends in online streaming and downloading
A new survey, published this week by the UK Intellectual Property Office, highlights the latest UK trends in online streaming and downloading, showing: an increase of more than 10% in take up of legal services since 2013 an increase of 6% in online consumption, of both legal and illegal content 1 in 5 still access […]

Italy implements eLearning for SMEs, UK implements USS
The Italian National Office has implemented the eLearning for SMEs tool developed by the Cooperation Fund administered by the Office for harmonization in the internal market. This implementation marks the final implementation of the tool in all 21 EU national and regional intellectual property offices which expressed their intent to use it. Meanwhile, the UK Intellectual […]

UK IPO publishes IP guide for universities
The UK IPO has recently published an interactive intellectual property toolkit for universities. The guide helps university students and academics understand IP. It also helps universities and businesses to work together. IP is vital to economic growth. Students and their lecturers need to develop an understanding of IP and its relevance to them. This will […]

UK landmark judgment regarding blocking access to websites selling counterfeit goods
On 17 October 2014 the High Court in London delivered a landmark judgment establishing that trademark owners can secure court orders blocking websites that are structured to infringe trademark rights by selling counterfeit goods online. The claimant Richemont sought a court order requiring UK Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to block access to websites selling counterfeit […]

UK IP crime group report
The UK IP crime group published on 10 October its annual report, covering existing and new developments related to counterfeiting and piracy, notably those developed via Internet. Next to data and statistics on enforcement activities from UK enforcement agencies, police and customs authorities as well as industry associations, over the period 2013/2014, the report also […]

Should an ovum be protected with a patent?
Advocate General’s Opinion in Case C-364/13 International Stem Cell Corporation v Comptroller General of Patents According to Advocate General Cruz Villalón, an ovum whose development has been stimulated without fertilisation and which is not capable of becoming a human being cannot be considered a human embryo However, if this ovum is genetically manipulated in such […]

Christofer Toumazou awarded within European Inventor Award 2014
The EPO presented the European Inventor Award 2014, last month in Berlin to outstanding inventors or teams, honouring their contribution to social, economic and technological progress. The award ceremony, held at the former Kaiserliches Telegrafenamt (Imperial Telegraph Office) in Germany’s capital, was attended by some 500 guests from the fields of business, science, culture and politics, including German […]

UK – Korea Collaborative Research Intellectual Property Toolkit Launched
A new IP toolkit designed to help UK and Korean universities and industry manage their IP in collaborative research projects was recently launched at an event co-hosted by Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) and the British Embassy in Korea. This toolkit allows non experts to negotiate IP agreements on the handling of IP prior to […]

CIOPORA AGM 2014 in The Hague: Ornamental and Fruit Breeders Define the Association’s Future IP Position
Hamburg, March 11/2014 Many of the ornamental and fruit breeders, united in CIOPORA since 1961, have been writing the history of the breeding industry for more than a century. On April 1 and 2, 2014, CIOPORA members will also receive an opportunity to define its future by providing their input to the texts of the […]

The IPO joins Similarity
The UK Intellectual Property Office has joined the Similarity tool. Similarity is a common database of comparisons of goods and services that allows users to assess whether given goods or services are considered similar or dissimilar – and to what degree – according to the practice of the participating IP offices. Similarity benefits users by […]

Dropbox scans for copyright protected content
The majority of the companies handle copyright infringement by deactivating or removing the concerned file. But Dropbox is focused on just deactivating the share feature and keeping the file. That is why, given this information users reconsider the reliability of cloud storage services. Dropbox uses an algorithm creating by cryptographic way a unique id for […]

IPO launches music manager game Music Inc. with UK Music
A brand new free app Music Inc., allowing players to take on the role of an aspiring musician and experience the highs and lows of a career in the music industry, has been launched. The result of collaborative effort by UK Music, the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) and Aardman Animations, the app will educate younger people […]

Berne Convention – Declaration by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) presents his compliments to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and has the honor to refer to the deposit by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, on September 29, 1989, of its instrument of ratification of the Berne Convention for […]

Keep creating, keep innovating – the Message to The Next Generation from Director General of WIPO Francis Gurry
This year theme of World Intellectual Property Day April 26, is “Creativity – The Next Generation” Nowadays mankind creates and develops in a very dynamic and exciting pace. Life sciences together with the new technologies generate a great potential for development. They are transforming the way we live, communicate, heal, entertain, work or study. “What […]

Business Secretary seals agreement to bring patent court to London
On 19 February 2013 Business Secretary Vince Cable finalised the deal for a new patent court to be based in London when attending a signing ceremony in Brussels. The new court and patent system creates a one-stop shop for companies wanting to protect their business ideas in Europe and will bring at least £200 million […]