Archive: April, 2014

Decreto legislativo 29 dicembre 1992, n. 518 recante attuazione della direttiva 91/250/CEE del Consiglio del 14 maggio 1991 relativa alla tutela giuridica dei programmi per elaboratore

Attuazione della direttiva 91/250/CEE relativa alla tutela giuridica dei programmi per elaboratore. (GUn. 306 del 31-12-1992 – Suppl. Ordinario n.138) Entrata in vigore del decreto: 15/1/1993 IL PRESIDENTE DELLA REPUBBLICA Visti gli articoli 76 e 87 della Costituzione; Visto l’art. 7 della legge 19 dicembre 1992, n. 489, recante delega al Governo per l’attuazione della […]

Legge 28 novembre 1984, n. 851 Nuova disciplina del vino Marsala

La Camera dei deputati ed il Senato della Repubblica hanno approvato; IL PRESIDENTE DELLA REPUBBLICA PROMULGA la seguente legge: Art. 1. Denominazione, zona di produzione, caratteristiche e vitigni. Sifone Adottano la denominazione “Marsala” o “Vino Marsala” o “Vino di Marsala” esclusivamente i vini liquorosi: a) prodotti ed invecchiati nella zona di produzione costituita dal territorio dell’intera […]

Legge 20 novembre 1970, n. 962, Disposizioni relative ai brevetti di invenzioni destinate esclusivamente ai non vedenti

PROMULGA la seguente legge: Art. 1. La concessione e la conservazione di brevetti e di privative industriali rilasciati rispettivamente per l’invenzione e la produzione di qualsiasi ritrovato destinato per sua specifica natura all’uso esclusivo dei ciechi, nonche’ tutti gli atti inerenti, sono esenti da ogni imposta e tassa. Art. 2. L’effettiva utilita’ dei ritrovati di […]

Law Concerning Patents for Inventions Solely Intended for the Sightless

(N° 962 of November 20, 1970) 1. The grant and maintenance of patents and of industrial privileges concerning the invention and production respectively of any new creation intended, by reason of its nature, for the sole use of the blind, and all transactions relating thereto, shall be exempt from all taxes and fees. 2. Before […]

CIOPORA Elects New Board: The election in The Hague shows high degree of unity among members

CIOPORA Elects New Board: The election in The Hague shows high degree of unity among members

TheHague:On April1 the CIOPORA Annual General Meeting elected the new CIOPORA Board and its President. As a result, two new Board member were elected, one Board member left the Board and Mr. Andrea Mansuino was re-elected as President of CIOPORA. Second term for the President and two new faces on the Board The election resulted […]

Ljetna škola za intelektualno vlasništvo Svjetske organizacije za intelektualno vlasništvo u Hrvatskoj

Ljetna škola za intelektualno vlasništvo Svjetske organizacije za intelektualno vlasništvo u Hrvatskoj

U Dubrovniku će se od 26. svibnja do 06. lipnja 2014. godine nakon jednogodišnje pauze po šesti put održati Ljetna škola za intelektualno vlasništvo u organizaciji Akademije Svjetske organizacije za intelektualno vlasništvo sa sjedištem u Ženevi, Švicarska, u suradnji s Državnim zavodom za intelektualno vlasništvo i Sveučilištem u Dubrovniku.Ljetna škola u trajanju od dva tjedna nudi neprocjenjiv […]

WIPO-Croatia Summer School on Intellectual Property in Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 26 to June 06, 2014

WIPO-Croatia Summer School on Intellectual Property in Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 26 to June 06, 2014

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is organizing two-week Summer School on Intellectual Property (Summer School), jointly with the State Intellectual Property Organization (SIPO), Croatia, and the University of Dubrovnik from May 26 to June 06, 2014.The Summer School offers an invaluable education program in the whole area of intellectual property (IP). Thirty places will be made available […]

Svetovni dan intelektualne lastnine 2014 pod geslom Film - univerzalna strast

Svetovni dan intelektualne lastnine 2014 pod geslom Film – univerzalna strast

Avtorska pravica je od vseh pravic intelektualne lastnine v današnjem (digitalnem) svetu najbolj ranljiva in na največji preizkušnji. Ob množični uporabi novih tehnologij je reproduciranje enostavno in pri tem je pravo relativno neučinkovito. Zato je zakonodajalec pred veliko preizkušnjo, kako primerno zavarovati ustvarjalnost a pri tem ne preveč in nesorazmerno poseči v druge zagotovljene pravice […]

Slovenia Joins Designview

Slovenia Joins Designview

On October 30, the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) joined Designview, online database and search tool created to provide free access to data on designs registered in all participating national offices. By adding nearly 4,000 Slovenian designs, Slovenia has joined Portugal, Benelux, Estonia, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Latvia and OHIM in the Designview community. So far […]

Loi n° 1272 du 23 juin 1927 portant établissement d’une marque nationale pour les fruits et légumes exportés à l’étranger

Article premier. L’institut national pour l’exportation est autorisé à instituer une marque nationale d’exportation pour les fruits frais et secs, les agrumi et les légumes. Article 2. L’enregistrement des marques visées par l’article précédent est exempt de tous taxes ou droits. Article 3. L’emploi de la marque nationale est facultatif. Il est réservé aux exportateurs […]

Dropbox trouve de contenu protégé par droits d’auteur

Dropbox trouve de contenu protégé par droits d’auteur

La majorité des entreprises gère les droits d’auteur en désactivant ou en supprimant le fichier concerné. Mais Dropbox se concentre uniquement sur la désactivation de la fonctionnalité de partage et  garde le fichier. C’est pourquoi, compte tenu de cette information, les utilisateurs reconsidérent la fiabilité des services du stockage sur un nuage. Dropbox utilise un […]

The IPO joins Similarity

The IPO joins Similarity

The UK Intellectual Property Office has joined the Similarity tool. Similarity is a common database of comparisons of goods and services that allows users to assess whether given goods or services are considered similar or dissimilar – and to what degree – according to the practice of the participating IP offices. Similarity benefits users by […]

7e Conférence internationale de la "Créativité et l’innovation des femmes - nouvelle possibilité de dessin pour les PMEs et les régions"

7e Conférence internationale de la “Créativité et l’innovation des femmes – nouvelle possibilité de dessin pour les PMEs et les régions”

Le 20 et 21 Mars à Varsovie a eu lieu la conférence sur le rôle du dessin dans le développement des régions et des entreprises, qui a été organisée par L’Office Polonais des Brevets. Au cours de cette réunion, il y a eu des discussions sur la possibilité d’un soutien financier aux entrepreneurs, les co-créateurs […]

CIOPORA AGM 2014 in The Hague: Ornamental and Fruit Breeders Define the Association’s Future IP Position

CIOPORA AGM 2014 in The Hague: Ornamental and Fruit Breeders Define the Association’s Future IP Position

Hamburg, March 11/2014 Many of the ornamental and fruit breeders, united in CIOPORA since 1961, have been writing the history of the breeding industry for more than a century. On April 1 and 2, 2014, CIOPORA members will also receive an opportunity to define its future by providing their input to the texts of the […]

2001 m. lapkričio 22 d. Augalų veislių apsaugos įstatymas Nr. IX-618 (su pakeitimais, padarytais spalio 2010 m. rugsėjo 21 d. įstatymu Nr. XI-1022)

Neoficialus įstatymo tekstas Įstatymas skelbtas: Žin., 2001, Nr. 104-3701 PIRMASIS SKIRSNIS BENDROSIOS NUOSTATOS 1 straipsnis. Įstatymo paskirtis 1. Įstatymas reglamentuoja fizinių ir juridinių asmenų santykius, susijusius su augalų veislių teisine apsauga ir naudojimu. 2. Įstatymas taikomas žemės ūkio ministro patvirtinto augalų genčių ir rūšių sąrašo veislėms. 3. Šiuo Įstatymu įgyvendinamas Europos Sąjungos teisės aktas, nurodytas […]