With Europeans increasingly buying medicines online, how can we be sure that an online pharmacy is authentic and safe? The European Commission has adopted an implementing Regulation under the Falsified Medicinal Products Directive (2011/62/EU) which sets out the design for a common logo for online pharmacies, and the technical requirements for ensuring its authenticity.
What does the logo look like?
This is the logo to look out for on the homepage of an online pharmacy. The rectangle on the middle left side will have the flag of the EU country where the online pharmacy is established, and the text will be translated into the official language/s of that country.
How does it work?
First, look for the logo on the website through which you are considering buying medicines and click on it. You should be taken to the national regulatory authority website, which lists all legally operating online pharmacies and other legally authorised retailers of medicines. Check that the pharmacy is listed. Then continue with your purchase. If not listed, do not buy from that website. Use one of the legitimate medicine retailers listed on your national regulatory authority’s website.
When will it start to appear?
The Regulation should enter into force in the next four to six weeks. Member States have one year to prepare for its application. The European Commission is providing national authorities with a Communication Toolkit to support them with the preparation of national awareness campaigns which are required by the Falsified Medicines Directive.