German Patent and Trade Mark Office now part of the Harmonised Database

German_patent_officeAs of 12th November, the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA) is a part of the Common Harmonised Database of Goods and Services for trade mark classification.

As a result, the German translations of Harmonised Database set is now available to all users through the TMclass application. At the same time the DPMA will also offer the German translations of Harmonised Database to their efiling users.

This successful harmonisation is the result of joint effort and collaborative work within the framework of the European Trade Mark and Design Network.

The DPMA´s integration into the Harmonisation Project for Goods and Services marks another step forward in improving predictability, which in turn benefits users.

The Harmonised Database, with its new member, the DPMA, is available through TMclass at:


Source: OHIM

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