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IP4all Weekly Bulletin
United Kingdom
€5000 prize available for students in EPO innovation contest
As part of the European Patent Office’s (EPO) celebration of the 40th anniversary of the European Patent Convention (EPC) the EPO is staging an Innovation Contest for students in the European Patent Organisation’s member states. The contest is open to students of all disciplines who are at least 18 years old, and enrolled at a university, college […]
The Value of IP rights
A major research study commissioned by the UK Intellectual Property Office has found that companies with trade marks are more productive, innovative and show higher employment and turnover than those without. There is a common assumption in innovation policy circles that firms in high cost production locations that do not innovate will lose market share […]
Trade mark refusals scope defined in the United Kingdom
Following the recent High Court case Giorgio Armani SpA v Sunrich Clothing Ltd [2010], the UK Intellectual Property Office (UK IPO) has issued Tribunal Practice Notice No. 1/2011 to clarify the scope of trade mark refusals. Summary of the notice The notice updates the practice in relation to UK or International trade marks designating the […]
New Copyright Tribunal chairman appointed
Intellectual Property Minister Baroness Wilcox has welcomed the appointment of Colin Birss QC as Chairman of the Copyright Tribunal. The Lord Chancellor Ken Clarke made the appointment, which takes effect from 5 October 2010. Mr Birss had been Deputy Chairman of the Copyright Tribunal since 2009. Baroness Wilcox said: I am delighted with the appointment […]
Copyright Tribunal announcement
The Government today announced its intention to merge the Copyright Tribunal with the Tribunals Service. For full details of the government’s review of public bodies is available on the BIS website. As part of its wider commitment to increasing the accountability of public bodies, reducing their number and cost, and handing power and ownership back […]