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IP4all Weekly Bulletin
Community trade mark applications will now only be examined after they are paid for
From November 24, OHIM will only examine trade mark applications and process any mail related to them after they are paid for. This means the Office can be more efficient, as it will no longer examine applications that ultimately will never be paid for. OHIM is a European Union agency that serves businesses across the […]
Commercialisation of IP – Virtual classroom lessons
This series of four one-hour virtual classroom lessons covers topics from ip4inno training modules which have been specifically designed to equip companies, business advisors, TTOs and others with an understanding of intellectual property issues as they impact SMEs and new businesses. Focussing on the commercialisation of intellectual property, the lessons will provide valuable insights into […]
OHIM to chair EU Agency Network in 2016
OHIM is to lead the network of EU agencies in 2016. At the Heads of European Union Agencies and Heads of Administrations meeting in Vienna today, OHIM was elected to join the network´s troika group for a three year period, beginning in March 2015, and taking over the chair of the network in 2016. There […]
Patents: Connecting space tech to Earth applications
Weather forecasting, global communications, climate studies, air traffic control… where would we be today without space and satellite technology? This multi-billion-euro industry is much more than the backbone of modern digital life: communications satellites connect us to each other, while Earth observation connects us to our planet. In a competitive global market, innovation is more […]
EPO continues IT modernisation with launch of new online filing tool
Continuing to improve the quality of services to its users by establishing a one-stop shop for applicants, the European Patent Office (EPO) today launched a new system for the online filing of patent applications. The launch marks a new and important step forward to reducing the amount of paper handling by increasing electronic communication between […]
OHIM begins examining the list of goods and services of IRs designating the EU
Following the milestone decision on Case C-307/10 “IP Translator” there is one more change in the practice of OHIM which will affect the international registrations designating OHIM. In accordance with the latest changes of the Guidelines, Part M International marks, published on 1st of July, since 1st of October 2014 the OHIM will start to […]
Early publication of the Guidelines 2014
By decision of the President of the European Patent Office dated 18 August 2014 pursuant to Article 10(2) EPC, the Guidelines for Examination have been amended (OJ EPO 2014, A88). The amended Guidelines will apply as from 1 November 2014. In order to inform users of the relevant procedural changes in advance, they have been […]
Indo-European conference on ICT-related patents
7 November 2014 European Patent Office, Munich Europe and India are important sources of innovation as well as attractive technology markets. However, owners of information and communication technology (ICT) from the two regions are relatively inactive when it comes to protecting their ICT inventions in each other’s markets. In the long term, this lack of […]
Renewed Convergence section on ETMDN portal
The Convergence Programme section of the portal has been completely revamped to introduce more resources and details on each of the common projects carried out by the members of the European Trade Mark and Design Network. The section is the central access point to the current status of the harmonisation efforts, and includes all relevant […]
Oktoberfest 2014: thrill-packed rides thanks to patented technologies
Over six million visitors in just 16 days. More than 6.7 million litres of beer served. The world’s tallest drop tower. Munich’s annual Oktoberfest – which begins this year on 20 September – is a showcase of superlatives. What many may not know is that the ‘Wiesn’, as it is colloquially known, is also a […]
Double electronic signature for joint requests in oppositions
The Office for harmonization in the internal market has lounched a double electronic signature for joint requests which can help you save time. If you are involved in an opposition, you and the other party can electronically submit a joint request to OHIM to ask for a change in the proceedings. Even in an opposition process, the […]
Notice from the European Patent Office concerning the online filing of the demand under PCT Chapter II
By decision dated 26 February 2009 (OJ EPO 2009, 182), the President of the European Patent Office authorised the filing in electronic form of documents relating to the international application under Rule 89bis.2 PCT. Pursuant to that decision, and in particular its Article 2, as from 30 June 2014 the demand under PCT Chapter II may be filed online via the PCT-DEMAND plug-in in […]
On August 1, OHIM’s Manual of Trade Mark Practice will be entirely phased out and replaced with a fully revised set of Guidelines. The Guidelines have been under revision at OHIM since 2013, with input from EU national and regional IP offices and users. Their process of revision was divided into two parts – with […]
Orphan Works database testing
The Orphan works database was tested recently by the representatives of competent national authorities and beneficiary organisations. The aim of the Orphan Works project is to set up a single EU database on Orphan works to be shared by all Member States. Orphan works are works such as books, newspaper and magazine articles and films that […]
The Enforcement Database – linking business and enforcement
The idea behind the Enforcement Database (EDB) is very simple. It provides a secure channel for businesses to exchange information with enforcement officials – information that could be vital in tracking down counterfeit products. Since its launch, the EDB has gone from strength to strength. The premise of the tool is very clear; businesses upload […]