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IP4all Weekly Bulletin
Archive: 15 Jul 2014
National Day of Nikola Tesla – Day of Science, Technology and Innovation, July 10
Nikola Tesla, one of the world’s greatest scientists and inventors of the 19th and 20th century, was born on 10 July 1856th in the village of Smiljan (Ličko-Senjska County). By the decision of the Croatian Parliament, July 10 has been declared a National day of Nikola Tesla, the day of science, technology and innovation.On the […]
Community trademarks – how to stay protected
Community trademarks (CTMs) can be sold, licensed, modified and renewed. A CTM registration lasts for 10 years but can be renewed indefinitely. Whether to renew or not depends on your brand strategy. You have the following three options: 1. Renew. Current online renewal costs €1 350 (plus €400 per class where a CTM covers more […]