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IP4all Weekly Bulletin
Archive: 14 Jul 2014
The Back Office project kicks off accross Europe
An OHIM team is in Athens for two weeks, working with both Greek offices to prepare the Back Office project. As the pilots near completion in Finland and Poland, 10 other intellectual property offices are getting ready to follow. These include Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, BOIP, Greece GGE, Greece OBI, Malta, Slovenia, Romania, and Spain. Both Greek […]
Josef Kratochvil elected as Chairman of the Technical and Operational Support Committee of EPO
The Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation, in its meeting in The Hague on 25/26 June, extended the mandate of the President of the European Patent Office (EPO), Benoît Battistelli, by a further three years, to 30 June 2018. At the meeting, the Council expressed its continued support for the EPO’s quality/efficiency strategy adopted […]
Our single market is crying out for copyright reform
Neelie KROES Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda Information Influx International Conference at Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam Happy birthday to you all at the Institute for Information Law. I would sing you “Happy Birthday”. But technically I think the song is still under copyright — I don’t want […]