Archive: 12 Jan 2014

The Patents Act 2004 (An Act to amend the Patents Act 1977)

An Act to amend the law relating to patents. [22nd July 2004] BE IT ENACTED by the Queen’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:— Amendments of the 1977 Act relating to […]


1 1997 Chapter 66 2 Enacted on November 27, 1997 3 This Act, other than sections 49, 53 and 54(b), entered into force on May 8, 1998. (Sections 49, 53 and 54 were bought into force on November 27, 1997) An Act to make provision about rights in relation to plant varieties; to make provision […]

Broadcasting Act 1996 (Chapter 55)

CHAPTER 55 An Act to make new provision about the broadcasting in digital form of television and sound programme services and the broadcasting in that form on television or radio frequencies of other services; to amend the Broadcasting Act 1990; to make provision about rights to televise sporting or other events of national interest; to […]

Broadcasting Act 1990

CHAPTER 42 LONDON: HMSO Extracts from: THE BROADCASTING ACT 1990 (A) Section 175 of this Act amends the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (i) by the insertion of new Sections 135A-135G, concerning collective licences for the inclusion of sound recordings in broadcasts and cable programme services, and (ii) making consequential amendments to Sections 149 […]

Code de la propriété intellectuelle (2012) 2

Partie réglementaire Livre Ier : Le droit d’auteur Titre Ier : Objet du droit d’auteur Chapitre Ier : Nature du droit d’auteur Article R111-1 Les redevances visées à l’article L. 111-4 (alinéa 3) du code de la propriété intellectuelle sont versées à celui des organismes suivants qui est compétent à raison de sa vocation statutaire, […]

Code de la propriete intellectuelle (2012)

Partie legislative Premiere partie : La propriete litteraire et artistique Livre Ier : Le droit d’auteur Titre Ier : Objet du droit d’auteur Chapitre Ier : Nature du droit d’auteur Article L111-1 L’auteur d’une oeuvre de l’esprit jouit sur cette oeuvre, du seul fait de sa creation, d’un droit de propriete incorporelle exclusif et opposable […]

Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

CHAPTER 48 An Act to restate the law of copyright, with amendments; to make fresh provision as to the rights of performers and others in performances; to confer a design right in original designs; to amend the Registered Designs Act 1949; to make provision with respect to patent agents and trade mark agents; to confer […]