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IP4all Weekly Bulletin
Archive: 03 Jan 2014
Law of 1996 Amending the Trade Mark Law (1996)
The Bundestag has adopted the following Law: Article 1 Amendment of the Trade Mark Law The Trade Mark Law of October 25, 1994 (BGBl. I p. 3082, 1995 I p. 156) shall be amended as follows: 1. Section 27(4) shall read as follows: “(4) Where the transfer of rights concerns only some of the goods […]
Law on the Extension of Industrial Property Rights (1994)
(Extension Law-ErstrG) of April 23, 1992 (as last amended by the Law of August 30, 1994) PART 1 EXTENSION Chapter 1 Extension to the Territory Designated in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty Extension of Industrial Property Rights and of Applications for Industrial Property Rights 1. (1) The industrial property rights (patents, utility models, semiconductor […]