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IP4all Weekly Bulletin
Archive: October, 2013
Law on Copyright and Neighboring Rights (2006)
Law No. 8 of March 14, 1996 on Copyright and Neighboring Rights TITLE I COPYRIGHT PART I General Provisions CHAPTER I Introductory Provisions Art. 1.—(1) The copyright in a literary, artistic or scientific work and in any similar work of intellectual creation shall be recognized and guaranteed as provided in this Law. That right vests […]
France implements Seniority
The French Intellectual Property Office has successfully implemented the Seniority Project. The project enables the harmonisation of seniority information among national IP offices in the EU. This implementation brings the total number of offices participating in the project to 17. Source: OHIM
iENA 2013 – International Specialized Trade Show for “IDEAS – INVENTIONS – NEW PRODUCTS”
From 31 October to 3 November, 2013 the 65th International Exhibition “Ideas – Inventions – New products » iENA – 2013 will take place in Nuremberg, Germany. The trade fair is one of the most significant and largest invention specialized exhibitions in Europe. This year inventors from all around the world will present 750 inventions. […]