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IP4all Weekly Bulletin
Archive: May, 2013
Lithuania Amends Trademark Law
VILNIUS – After Lithuania’s parliament ratified the Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks on November 8, 2012, it also adopted the amendments to Lithuania’s Law on Trademarks, which will enter into force on June 1, 2013. The trademark law amendments and the related amendments to the Law on Fees for the Registration of Industrial […]
Keep creating, keep innovating – the Message to The Next Generation from Director General of WIPO Francis Gurry
This year theme of World Intellectual Property Day April 26, is “Creativity – The Next Generation” Nowadays mankind creates and develops in a very dynamic and exciting pace. Life sciences together with the new technologies generate a great potential for development. They are transforming the way we live, communicate, heal, entertain, work or study. “What […]